Personal finance never stays the same. You need to know what’s changed so you can do your best planning.
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Digging Deeper at Year-End for Better 2024 Financial Results
At year-end, or the beginning of a new year, I like to step back and take a closer look at how things are going and what needs to happen next. Maybe you do too.
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We can make a difference—even when it seems like a very small drop in the ocean. It all adds up. There will always be a need to help other people and our planet and promote what we find meaningful. I’ve provided the worksheet below to help you make your philanthropy plans for the coming year.
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Until some type of disaster happens to you, you think you’ll be immune. We all tend to be overconfident at times, but perhaps now is a good time to run through a disaster contingency drill. Here are a few things you may want to consider.
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